Invest with Me

Diversifying Your Investment Strategy Outside of Real Estate with Nick McCullum

Episode #130

Welcome back everybody to the AJ Osborne podcast!

As you know, I’m a huge fan of real estate investing. We’ve had numerous guests on the podcast that have shared their incredible real estate insights and investing strategies. There’s an investment strategy though that we haven’t talked a whole lot about - stock market investing.

That said, I’m super excited to introduce you to Nick McCullum. Nick is the Director or Growth at a Passiv. Passiv is a rebalancing software solution for people who want to invest passively in the stock market.

Nick started looking into and getting interested in the stock market and investing when he was in college. His interest soon lead to a passion and ultimately a change in his degree. After graduating with a math degree, Nick began working for a research firm in the finance world and he hasn’t looked back since.

In today’s podcast we’re going to look at the difference between active and passive investing, the importance of diversification across assets and asset classes, risks you need to analyze, and the big daddy of them all… fees. Fees can absolutely destroy your returns and take tens of thousands or even millions of dollars out of your pocket.

Thanks a ton for listening everybody!


Keep up with Nick on Twitter at:

@NickJMcCullum -

Also check out Passiv at: