Invest with Me

Manufactured Home Investing - The In’s and Out’s with Jonathan Tuttle

Episode #126

Welcome back everybody to the AJ Osborne Podcast!

Today we have another special guest in the house… and not just any house…

Today we’re talking everything manufactured home investing with the one and only Jonathan Tuttle.

We’re going to kick everything off by diving into how Jonathan got started investing in manufactured homes. Just a few spoilers if you didn’t already know - the economics of manufactured home investing are extremely good. The market is still fragmented (even more than the self storage market). They are not capital intensive like some asset classes. The demand for affordable housing only continues to skyrocket, all the while, supply is shrinking.

We go more in depth on these great economic drivers of manufactured home investing and how you can leverage these aspects to yield great returns.

This may not even be an asset class you’ve considered investing in, but there’s no two ways about it, the real estate trends and investment opportunities are changing dramatically. Are you ready to adapt? Tune in and listen in on how Jonathan got started, where he’s at today, what his plans are for the future, and how you too can realize huge returns from manufactured home investing.

Thanks for listening everybody,


Be sure to keep up with Jonathan at: