Invest with Me

From Zero to Over 600 Fix and Flips | Building Wealth with Tarl Yarber

Episode #95

Welcome back everybody to the Cashflow 2 Freedom Podcast. In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with my good friend Tarl Yarber. Tarl is a real estate expert who has become a master of the fix and flip and BRRR real estate investment strategies. We cover so many amazing topics in regards to real estate. We dive into how Tarl got started in real estate, how he learned to build out teams and systems to scale his investing, and ultimately how he’s done over 600 fix and flips to date since. Another huge portion of our discussion today revolves around mindset. It’s truly incredible the amount of power that our mindsets and beliefs can have over us. Tarl and I go over how important mindset is when set personal and professional goals, how to Tarl set incremental goals to work himself towards his larger overall goals, and the place we need to be mentally to be able to achieve wherever it is that we set out to achieve. Listen in, soak it up, and put it all to work in your own life to help you get where you truly want to be. Keep up with or get in touch with Tarl at: Thanks for listening everybody, AJ Pick up a copy of my book An Investor’s Guide to Growing Wealth in Self Storage here: