Invest with Me

The Incredible Process of Starting and Running Your Own Business with Trevor Oldham

Episode #86

What’s up everybody!? AJ here with another awesome episode of the Cashflow 2 Freedom podcast. Today’s guest is Trevor Oldham, founder of Podcasting You. In college, Trevor had started a social media group that exploded to over 600,000 followers. This inspired Trevor to launch a podcast in addition to their social media presence. Seeing the value of podcasting, Trevor began thinking of ways to leverage the medium. After years of running his own podcast, it dawned on him, why doesn’t he utilize his experience and advise and assist other content creators with their podcasts. So began Podcasting You. Podcasting You helps identify and schedule guests for podcasters. In this episode Trevor shares how he started the company and the struggles he faced throughout the process. We also dive into the importance of knowing who to surround yourself with and who not to surround yourself with, and the experience of living those challenges. Be sure to check out Podcasting You at

Thanks for listening everybody! Keep crushing it out there!