Invest with Me

The In’s and Out’s of Syndicating Large Real Estate Deals with Matthew Baltzell

Episode #85

What is going on everybody!? Welcome to another episode of Cashflow 2 Freedom. Today I had the pleasure of sitting down with Matthew Baltzell. Matthew currently lives in Thailand and works with a company by the name of Boardwalk Wealth. Boardwalk Wealth is a private equity firm that specializes in connecting passive investors with multifamily and other commercial real estate assets. Matthew has built extensive experience surrounding all aspects of identifying and acquiring large commercial real estate assets. This includes market research, due diligence, investor relations, and property analysis. That said, Matthew brings a ton of value to the table for us today in this episode. Matthew breaks down how exactly Boardwalk Wealth structures their deals with investors. This includes everything from what preferred return they offer investors, to the structure of the limited partners and general partners. He also shares with us what Boardwalk Wealth has planned for the future and what so many real estate syndicators get wrong. One of the great topics of discussion today was about relationships with those you choose to work with. It should go without saying, but you should know exactly who you’re going to be working with and who you’ll be associated with in any investment. Whether it's a stock or a real estate asset, knowing your team and those who control the deal, is critical. You can keep up with Matthew on his website at and you can also keep up with Boardwalk Wealth on their website Thanks a bunch for listening everybody, AJ