Invest with Me

How to Build a Multifamily Real Estate Empire with Andrew Campbell

Episode #81

Welcome back everybody to the Cashflow 2 Freedom Podcast. If you’ve listened to Cashflow 2 Freedom for any period of time, you know that we absolutely love real estate. Today, we have another awesome guest that shares their story of exactly how they went from a career lifestyle, to now having the freedom and flexibility to spend the last eight weeks in Florida, spending time with family. First having set out to climb the corporate ladder in marketing and advertising, real estate wasn’t always on Andrew’s radar. When he started to want more time, freedom, and flexibility to spend more time with his family. Andrew shares how exactly he got into real estate - from his first duplex deal to now owning and operating over one thousand units across a vast portfolio of multifamily properties. We talk about raising money, efficiencies of scale, the investment strategies he’s using currently and how you too can build the life you want around real estate investing. Keep up with Andrew and the awesome work he’s doing on the Wild Horn Capital website at

Thanks for listening everybody,