Invest with Me

The Right Way to Raise Money for Real Estate Investing with Josh Cantwell

Episode #78

Welcome everybody to Cashflow 2 Freedom! As you might know, we’ve talked quite a bit about real estate investing and the amazing benefits that it can provide to help us grow wealth and financial freedom. We’ve talked about everything from multifamily properties, to single family, to commercial, to one of my personal favorites - self storage. There’s something though that we haven’t talked a whole lot about - funding. Knowing how to fund or raise money for your real estate investments is a critical skill no matter what stage you’re at in your investment career. Our guest today is an expert in this arena and is going to share with us how he went from managing money on Wall Street, to now having $200 million of assets under management and $39 Million of capital under management. Josh shares key points with us about raising capital, working with private lenders, how he gets to know these private lenders, and so much more. You can keep in touch with Josh and all the great work he’s doing at his website: Thanks for listening guys! AJ