Invest with Me

The Fed, Free Money, Macroeconomics, and the Effect it can Have on Our Financial Freedom

Episode #71

I want to talk about an email I received from an unhappy C2F listener who didn’t like that we talked so much about macroeconomics and the effects. Before I dive into the email and go over why macroeconomics are so important, I share why we here at Cashflow 2 Freedom are so passionate about creating cashflowing assets that allow us to live financially free. I’ve shared my backstory before here on the podcast, but I know we have a lot of new listeners jumping on all the time. If you know anything about me, having financial freedom and these cashflowing assets literally saved my life and my family’s lives. That said, thank you for tuning in and being a part of Cashflow 2 Freedom. It makes me truly proud that you all are on the same path. Now… on to business. In this episode I go over the importance of macroeconomics and the truly massive impact that they can and do have on our economy and everything attached to it. Macroeconomics in short is how the government interacts with and affects the economy via monetary policy and other factors. It’s important for us to know and understand factors like macroeconomics if we truly want to be financially free, and I’ll explain exactly why in this podcast. Thanks for tuning in guys,