Invest with Me

The Current Downturn | Our Plans for the Future & Turning Chaos into Opportunity

Episode #69

What’s going on everybody!? Welcome back to another episode of Cashflow 2 Freedom. The saga continues with the very real threat we’re facing right now both physically and economically in the U.S. and around the world. Governments are shutting businesses down and it’s obviously having a massive impact on those businesses and the economy. We’re going to cover these issues in this podcast. We’re going to talk about the real risks that we see in our businesses and the economy. We also get into numbers, what we’re currently experiencing in our online businesses and elsewhere. We want to give you everything we have, no sugar coating on anything. We’re going to share what concerns us about this downturn and what the future may look like for all of us. That said though, don’t fall victim to all the doom and gloom. AJ built his current empire from the ashes of the financial crisis of 2008 (and by “ashes”, yes, we mean opportunity). There is still massive opportunity to take advantage of, which is what we’re going to top this episode off with. We cover personal finance opportunities that you can leverage now to set yourself up for success when the market rises. We also talk about the very real business opportunity there is and the strategies that you can implement in your own businesses to keep you thriving during and after market downturns. Downturns will always be a part of our lives, we simply have to plan for them and be prepared for them when they happen. We want to be clear - we’re not talking about timing markets, we’re simply talking about hoping for the best, but planning for the worst. No matter what, we just have to keep moving forward. We cannot become stagnant. We just have to continue to keep moving and adapting and overcoming. Thanks for listening everybody, we’ll see you next time! P.S. - Be sure to subscribe and keep up to date with us as we continue to share what we’re seeing and experiencing first hand in our businesses, and what we’re planning for through this downturn.


** For updates on the Covid-19 Virus, you can check out the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website to learn how to ptortect yourself and your loved ones and what to do if you get sick.