Invest with Me

The Mad Scientist of Multi-family

Episode #59

With a nickname like 'The Mad Scientist of Multifamily' Neal Bawa must be doing something interesting. In this episode learn how Neal leveraged his knowledge of data into a profitable real estate business...and why some people think his methods are crazy. He'll share with you useful trends like, 'Surban' developments and 'build to rent.'

For those of you who have thought about investing in real estate, specifically multifamily assets… this episode is for you and an absolute must listen. 

I had the pleasure of spending some time with Neal Bawa who like a lot of investors, started investing in single family homes. 

After numerous single family home deals, Neal decided to make the leap from single family investing to multifamily investing. 

In this episode Neal shares how he finds deals, what he looks for and how to spot opportunity even when everyone is telling you you’re crazy, how to create opportunity instead of waiting for it, how to increase occupancy and value, what makes a good market, and so much more. 

One of the biggest takeaways from this episode however, is how Neal has used a repeatable business model to create and sustain cashflows over and over again completely independent of market fluctuations. 

If you or anyone you know is even thinking about real estate investing or investing specifically in multifamily property, you have to listen to this. Be sure to take notes and even go back and listen to this episode a second or third time to truly draw all the great value Neal provided. 

Keep up with Neal or get in touch with him on his website at:


I hope you guys are all doing amazing, thanks a ton as always for your support. Please subscribe to the podcast if you haven’t and if you’ve enjoyed Cashflow 2 Freedom, leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcast platform you listen on. This helps us out a ton and lets me know what you guys want to hear more of. 


Thanks everybody, 




Topics of discussion include:

  • Financial Freedom
  • Creating Cash Flow
  • Real Estate
  • Self Storage
  • Buying Self Storage
  • Passive Income
  • Investing in Real Estate
  • Investing in Self Storage
  • Financial Freedom with Real Estate
  • Cashflow
  • Investments
