Invest with Me

1. The Biggest Opportunity Since the 2008 Crash is Coming…Are You Ready?

Season #3

We’re on the cusp of the biggest investment opportunity since the 2008 crash. Investors are fleeing from real estate, scared of its apparent risk, but in a couple of years, they’ll be the same investors wishing they had bought NOW. And this isn’t just theory. We’ve been buying deals at MASSIVE discounts that could make us unprecedented returns over the next few years. The question is, will you take advantage of this opportunity, or will you stay on the sidelines and wish you had made moves?

Welcome to the AJ Osborne Podcast. Twice a month, I’ll sit down with guests or fly solo to share incredible stories, give my take on today’s economy, and show you how to build wealth the right way. Today, I’m uncovering my real estate portfolio, walking through each investment, and sharing how it’s doing and what has the most opportunity.

I’ll also give you my exact 2024 plan that I’m using to make SERIOUS wealth-building moves while most investors are stuck in analysis paralysis. Whether you’re a self storage investor, a business owner, or starting from ZERO, today’s episode could help slingshot your wealth to levels you’ve never even imagined. But you need to act fast; we only have a limited window of opportunity before the masses realize what’s happening.

What you’ll learn in today’s show:

  • The 2008-level investment opportunity that I’m taking FULL advantage of this year
  • My 2024 investment plan and everything I’m doing in my business to catapult my wealth 
  • Why so many real estate investors are too scared to invest and why this is a huge mistake
  • Walking through my entire investment portfolio, from self storage to businesses and more
  • Why you should NOT wait until interest rates fall to invest (it will cost you)
  • When is the time to save and when is the time to spend (and which cycle we’re in now)

Growing Wealth in Self-Storage 2.0

Hear Our Interview with Tenant Inc. CEO, Lance Watkins