Invest with Me

3. Is the Dollar Going Away? Whether BRICs Have a Shot at Dethroning the Dollar with Emmanuel Daniel

Season #3

Will the US dollar be replaced? Could we be on the cusp of de-dollarization as more and more countries search for reserve currency alternatives? Is America’s spot as the number one economy in the world up for grabs? Emmanuel Daniel, entrepreneur, advisor, founder of The Asian Banker, and author of The Great Transition, is on the show to discuss the future of the US economy and the global currency battle.

The US has been the reigning economic world superpower for much of our lives. But slowly, other countries have begun to realize that reliance on the US dollar isn’t always a good thing. The question is: Can they find a viable replacement? Many look to China’s (mostly) strong economy as the answer, but will their pro-manufacturing stance put them in an economic trap? And with the US struggling with homelessness, political unrest, and more, what happens next?

We’ll get into it all in this episode, plus touch on an actual alternative to the US dollar, why the US’s current turmoil DOESN’T guarantee a decline, and why bringing manufacturing back to the States could create problems most Americans haven’t considered.

What you’ll learn in today’s show:

  • De-dollarization and whether or not the US dollar can be replaced as the world’s reserve currency 
  • China’s colossal manufacturing mistake that has trapped its economy 
  • The true value of digital currencies and whether the digital dollar will become the norm
  • One often overlooked issue with bringing manufacturing back to the US 
  • The crisis of leadership in the US and what MUST change for our country to succeed 

The Great Transition

Emmanuel’s Website

Emmanuel’s YouTube